
Word Lens App For Mac

Word Lens is one of the most competent translators that you will actually be able to find and the free version also offers small modules to try.. Word Lens you also do not need any type of Internet connection, because of this you will be able to use it anywhere and at any time without worrying about it.. This way, you do not have to pay for all the languages because you only choose the languages you want.

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If you are satisfied with the results, you can buy language packs for the languages you want.. You only need to take a photo of the text you want to be translated and you will have it ready in a second.. With Word Lens, users are able to translate all types of texts, that you write in in (if you want) or even better with the camera of your phone.. If you are a user of translators that do not work so well or you pass the day writing, now you have a new technology in your hands: Word Lens.

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